Catch 22
In reply to Michael Linden's post on Richard's blog post.
I am somewhat disapointed but at least your true colours are finally showing, I do not see any love in what you posted just a desire stronger than reason to win at all costs....and believe me at the end, it will not only cost the children but destroy the very thing that you are fighting for.
When I first started bringing the Tanglewebs people to my blog, I did it because I wanted to leave the channel open, but now I realise, Michael, that all you want to do is close it forever.
Tanglewebs may very well succeed in influencing governments and perhaps one day even convince them to ban the practice alltogether....but then you will just shoot yourself in the foot..
The only thing that you will succeed in doing with your radical views is to drive the practice underground. DC will not just disappear because a law is passed in parliament ! ...It may not be in your face anymore but it will be there. In fact I can anticipate that there would be a lot more abuse and misuse if it ended being the case, no one would ever tell their children in fear of reprisal for a start, money will still exchange hands, nothing will change. It will just be done in hiding, like abortion, in many countries where it is banned.
It's not because guns are outlawed that there is none.....
it's not because drugs are illegal that there is none...
it's not because abortion is illegal in 97 countries that none take place there....
I think you get the picture.
But then you'll be too busy celebrating your victory in the name of mankind, patting each other on the back for a job well done while the suffering will go on forever.
A small step for mankind, a giant leap towards stupidity.
I am so insulted by this post.
I am donor conceived and i am a part of TangledWebs because I don't want others to have to be in my situation. TangledWebs does believe the practice should be banned, but we are also not stupid and realise that it would still occur. I think in my point of view anyway, in an ideal it would not exist. In the mean time we are trying to educate the public about a human rights issue that has been poorly dealt with for the last 20 years.
We are a group of people from all different walks of life who are couragous enough to take on the dominant discourse that everyone has a right to have children at any cost. We are actually very concerned for the people who are born into these situations who most certainly will have the same issues as older donor conceived people have now. You ought to look up studies done (eg Turner & Coyle), although there are not many and read about the general feelings of donor conceived people.
I think you need to look deeper into what we are doing before you judge us all so harshly. Or maybe you don't want to and pretend that the practice is just dandy as it is?
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